"Want to lure in investors to help launch your brand? You better be able to deliver a killer pitch. SideHustle® teaches players how to do just that. Players get a mere two minutes to pitch an idea to "investors" and answer any questions they may have. What's the catch? You have no idea what you're pitching or even the industry until the investor draws a card. And, of course, the cards are totally zany.
SideHustle® is one of those fun games that's all about teamwork and brainstorming. It helps boost creative thinking, which, in turn, leads to innovation. Although the cards are crazy (um, Monkey Butter?), they make you think outside the box. And with a straight game-face, you'll need to sell your billion-dollar idea to the investors. The team with the most innovative pitches wins! Best of all, the game takes less than an hour to play."
Capitalism.com | April 6, 2021
"Learn the Secret to Building a Winning Strategy: 8 Fun Games for Aspiring Entrepreneurs of All Ages"
Watch Molly Mahoney (@thepreparedpreformer) play SideHustle® as she pitches TrustLabs in the Home Goods industry!
Have fun playing SideHustle® virtually or in person!
We'd love to send you a FREE print & play PDF so can get started playing SideHustle® today!
"It's just a fun way to sit around and connect with different people and have fun as. Having weird, crazy ideas, and then just like letting it go and moving on to the next weird, crazy idea that you're going to do."
"SideHustle is a great mechanism to not only have fun and get to know your coworkers and friends but also to do something that's a little bit disarming while still exercising your mind and challenging you to think about things in new ways."
"One of the biggest challenges I've seen in the workplace is creating a culture where people can bring new ideas up to other people. After playing SideHustle, I definitely saw a different side of them (co-workers). More of the creative side."
Listen to copywriter and mustache enthusiast Kyle Robins' 30 second take on SideHustle, what he thinks about the game, and who it's for.